Can you bend?

Dear Earthling

I have mentioned before, that yoga is the science of awareness. The practice of Asana, Pranayama, Mantra, Mudra, Ayurveda, they all gently nudge us onto the journey of truly knowing oneself.

If we look at the rich history of yoga, we can see that as time has gone by, there have been slight and gross distortions of this sacred practice, I guess this is the way of the world. Adapting all things to suite whatever needs.

As a teacher I have observed how students pursuit, with great vigor , the desire to gain more physical strength and flexibility. I too am part of this demographic. I work for more shoulder strength mobility so that I can access those beautiful poses that look so glamorous, you know, the poses that flood our social media screens. I admit now, that I catch my own slight distorted egoic energy behind that, and then I gently ‘course correct’. Yoga is awareness after all. I am grateful to keep servicing the rudder of my intentions.

But what does it mean to be flexible? and what are the holistic benefits?

If you researched ‘the benefits of keeping your body flexible’ an array of positive information would undoubtedly fill your screen, but what of your mind?

I can tell you that my shoulders feel tight, but would I be so willing to openly admit the rigidness of my mind.

The question I now ask myself is, can I bend? Can I make myself supple in thought and response, like a willow in the wind? Or am I upright, tight? Can I make space, make allowance, give room for life to move freely around me. Using my discernment with flexible intelligence, rather than just reacting without thought. Can I truly know myself with raw honesty. Am I awake?

As years of practice have passed by, I have come to realize the deep connection between physical and mental flexibility, I would add emotional and spiritual here too. Can I make room for emotions, and beliefs without having to be right? Can I give you room and in do doing give myself room too.

When I roll out my mat and start to work on all the physical ‘kinks’ , ironing them out, until that warm openness starts to engulf my muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. I feel my body exhale, giving everything more room to move. I feel my body sigh, and it’s wonderful, but I am aware that the work does not end there. It is a continues flow of awareness throughout the day, working on the other layers of flexibility too, so that I can give life more room, so that I can breathe fully and freely. So that I can bend, not only on the mat , but off too.

Namaste Earthling, may you stay bendy and blessed.


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10 months ago

And bend and stretch I must, mind, soul and hamstrings…..